High-Visibility Clothing and an Information Pamphlet for Use by the Employees

High visibility apparel, commonly referred to as hi-vis clothing, is a type of clothing worn when visibility is a safety concern for people working in certain professions or locations. Hi-vis clothing can be necessary for workers in a variety of industries, such as construction, road and rail maintenance, emergency services, law enforcement, and more.

High-visibility clothing in a workplace serves an essential role in safety, both for the individuals themselves and everyone around them. By wearing high-visibility clothing, individuals are easily identifiable in hazardous work areas, thus preventing potential collisions and other accidents from occurring. High-visibility clothing can greatly reduce the risk of injury or death, and thus it is important to always wear these items in and around areas of danger.

In other words, high-visibility clothing helps create a safe work environment by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. When individuals wear their high-visibility clothing, everyone in the area can quickly and easily identify them, thus reducing the potential for injuries or worse. High-visibility clothing also transmits a message that safety is important and that careless behaviors can have awful consequences. By wearing such clothing, individuals can properly protect themselves and others around them.

High visibility apparel is most often used in situations where it’s necessary to differentiate between workers and potential hazards or obstacles on the job. For example, if a worker is busy fixing a traffic light or a point on a railway line, and a vehicle or train is approaching, the bright colors of the hi-vis clothing can help them to stay safe by alerting the driver that someone is in the vicinity. The clothing also makes a worker easily identifiable to fellow workers and supervisors on a construction site or other large work project.

High visibility apparel is designed to be seen easily in all weather conditions and different light levels. The most common pieces of hi-vis clothing include vests, jackets, and trousers. These pieces are usually brightly colored, such as yellow, and orange, and often have reflective materials sewn into the fabric. By utilizing bright colors, good lighting, and reflective material, hi-vis apparel ensures that a worker can be seen even over great distances and in the dark.

Workplace areas where high visibility clothing is necessary includes areas with vehicular or heavy equipment traffic; any area where there is a risk of falling hazards or moving objects, such as construction sites; and any environment where visibility is poor, such as during nighttime or in foggy or dusty weather. High-visibility clothing usually includes reflective and fluorescent fabrics, highly visible colors and patterns, and retro-reflective materials that are visible from at least 360 degrees. The purpose of these items is to draw attention to the wearer so that they are easily identified by others in the area. Fluorescent materials absorb and emit visible light from ultraviolet or visible sources, creating the glowing effect seen on many safety jackets and signs. Retroreflective materials, on the other hand, use optical properties from embedded reflective beads or prisms to direct light back toward its source. They are often seen in road signs, construction vests, and bike headlights.

In this regard, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) plays an important role in reducing the risk of injuries. The CSA is an accredited standards development organization and certification body. The standards they develop define requirements for reducing the risk of workplace injuries.

Best practices for high-visibility safety clothing for Canadian workers are found in the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard Z96-15 (R2020) High-Visibility Safety Apparel.[1]  There are two main things to consider when buying high-visibility clothing— the background material and the bright “retroreflective” stripes or bands that are on it. According to the construction regulation, the main material of the garment must be fluorescent blaze or international orange in color. Fluorescent blaze is also known as safety orange, which is used on road signs and hunting gear. International orange, on the other hand, has a darker, more reddish tone.[2]

While workplaces must comply with the regulations, it’s also acceptable to follow the CSA standard for this type of clothing. CSA Z96-15— High-Visibility Safety Apparel specifies how this type of clothing should reflect light, what colors can be used, and how much of it a person needs to wear. It also provides advice on the selection, use, and care of high-visibility safety material and recommendations for hazard assessments.[3]

Before choosing high-visibility clothing, a needs analysis should be conducted to assess the risks that need to be controlled. The CSA Standard recommends that a hazard assessment be carried out on each job site to evaluate the workplace or work site for known or potential hazards a worker can encounter while performing a job or task. When doing a hazard assessment where High-Visibility Safety Apparel (HVSA) might be required, be sure to consider:[4]

  • The type and nature of the work being carried out – including the tasks of both the HVSA wearer and any drivers.
  • Whether workers will be exposed to heat and/or flames (if so, flame-resistant HVSA would be required).
  • Work conditions, such as indoor or outdoor work, temperature, work rates, traffic flow, traffic volume, visibility, etc.
  • The workplace environment and the background workers must be seen in (e.g. is the visual area behind the workers simple, complex, urban, rural, highway, filled with equipment, cluttered).
  • How long the worker is exposed to various traffic hazards, including traffic speeds.
  • Lighting conditions and how the natural light might be affected by changing weather (sunlight, overcast sky, fog, rain, or snow).
  • Factors that affect warning distances and times, such as the size of vehicles, their potential speeds, the ability to stop quickly, and surface conditions.
  • If there are any engineering and administrative hazard controls already in place (e.g. barriers).
  • Any distractions that could draw workers attention away from hazards.
  • The sightlines of vehicle operators, especially when vehicles are operated in reverse.
  • If certain jobs, or the function being done, need to be “visually” identifiable from other workers in the area.

High-visibility clothing has saved many lives and will continue to do so in the future. It is essential for all individuals, whether they work in an area of danger or not, to wear high-visibility clothing whenever it is necessary. By doing so, everyone can keep themselves and their coworkers safe, and make sure that tragedies are avoided. This simple precaution can truly make a difference in a dangerous work environment.





Information Pamphlet

High Visibility Clothing: Ensuring Your Safety

We all want to stay safe and secure when out and about in the workplace. High-visibility clothing is one way to ensure your safety when working in hazardous conditions, such as those outdoors, near traffic, or on a construction site. High visibility clothing ensures you are easily spotted in the area, reducing the chance of injury or death due to an accident.

What is High Visibility Clothing?

High visibility clothing is a type of protective clothing that has bright colors and reflective stripes or patches that help make the wearer more visible in any hazardous work environment. This type of clothing often includes high visibility vests, coveralls, and jackets that are designed to increase visibility, as well as protect the wearer from dirt, water, and other elements.

Why Is High Visibility Clothing Important?

High-visibility clothing is important for all workers who operate in hazardous conditions. This type of clothing can help protect the worker from serious injury or death by increasing their visibility to those around them, and this includes oncoming traffic, machinery, falls, and other potential hazards. Additionally, it can reduce strain on the eyes and fatigue when workers have to look for others in the work area.

When Should I Wear High-Visibility Clothing?

High-visibility clothing should be worn any time you are working in a hazardous environment. This includes any dark work areas, near traffic or machinery, or any place where there is a potential risk of injury. Additionally, high-visibility clothing should be worn while operating any motor vehicle on the job, including forklifts and other types of equipment.

Where Should I Purchase High Visibility Clothing?

High-visibility clothing can be purchased from most retail outlets, including clothing stores and online retailers. It is important to make sure that the clothing meets the standards set by relevant government and industry guidelines, as well as providing adequate protection for the wearer.

We all want to remain safe and secure in the workplace, and high-visibility clothing is one way to do so. When you wear the right clothing, you can reduce the risk of injury or death due to an accident, and keep yourself safer in hazardous environments.


  • The official website of the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).


  • Thew official website of the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA).
  • The official website of the Worker’s Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC).



[1] Personal Protective Equipment, High-Visibility Apparel, the official website of the Worker’s Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC), https://www.wscc.nt.ca/sites/default/files/documents/PPE%20High%20Visibility%20Apparel%20Code%20of%20Practice,%20May%2031,%202016%20-%20EN%20-%20NT.pdf , accessed on June, 13, 2023.

[2]  High Visibility Clothing, the official website of the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA), https://www.ihsa.ca/pdfs/magazine/volume_16_Issue_2/high-visibility-clothing.pdf, accessed on June 13, 2023

[3] High Visibility Clothing, the official website of the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA), https://www.ihsa.ca/rtf/health_safety_manual/pdfs/equipment/Clothing.pdf , accessed on June 13, 2023

[4] The official website of the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/prevention/ppe/high_visibility.html , accessed on June 13, 2023.

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